iPhone Phone Book Application
In the wave of mobile communication, new revolution “iPhone” allow users to download applications according to their use. iPhone Phone Book is the application that allow user to maintain a new phonebook in their iPhone set, user can use this application for management of his/her contact persons. Application allow users to add new contacts easily, editing of existing contact details and allow users to view contact anytime.
What user can do?
User can use this application for the easy management of contacts in the phone book; he/she can do all the activities by easy finger tapping on the screen of the iPhone set.
User can add relevant details of the contact like- enter name, enter mobile number, enter office number, enter home number, etc. and can save the details of each contact to iPhone. Like wise user can apply same process easily to edit the existing details of any contact, view any details of existing contact and delete details of any contact from the phone book of iPhone.
These are actions that user can perform in the iPhone for the management of contacts in the phonebook by using this application.
How it works?
This is the explanation how iPhone Phone Book application works for the management of the contacts and how and what actions user can perform on details of the contacts. This is the step by step explanation for the addition, edit and deletion of contact from the iPhone.
Addition of new contact
Application provides an easy process which allows user to add the contact by tapping the icon provided for the addition of new contact. In addition process of contact there are many detail options are available such as
- Enter Name.
- Enter Mobile no.
- Enter Office no.
- Enter Home no.
- Enter Other no.
- Enter email address.
Simply keeping the pointer on each field and tapping on alphabets for typing the details in respective field. For instance after entering the name of the contact, user can enter each detail in respective field and it’s very important to tap on “done” button provided at the bottom, then “save” button after entering all the details as it will save the entered details in the phone book of iPhone.
Editing the Existing Contact Details
For editing any existing contact user can easily tap on edit button provided on the screen, and type the new details in each existing field after clearing the existing details. After entering new values tap on “save” button. User can edit following existing fields.
- Edit Name.
- Edit Mobile no.
- Edit Office no.
- Edit Home no.
- Edit Other no.
- Edit email address.
Viewing Existing Contact Details
User can view all the contacts and related details any time, user can select any name from the list of contacts, then iPhone will display all the fields related to taped contact. Following are the details of contact user can view
- View name of the contact
- View Mobile no.
- View Office no
- View Home no.
- View Other no.
- View email address.
Deleting the Contact Details
User can delete any contact detail from the list in phone book of the iPhone by simply selecting the name of the contact and tap on "delete" button shown in red color.
After deletion of contact tap on done button provided is mandatory and then tap on “save” button to save the remaining details of the phone book.
The new age of technology is providing challenging grounds for the developers in the field of mobile & communication as they are finding new avenues to prove their technical abilities in the mobile application development.
Technology used in development of iPhone Phone Book Applicatio
Our talented and experienced iPhone application developers have used guidelines given in the latest iPhone SDK (software development kit) version 2.2.1 (build 9M2621a), web services in ASP.NET and Objective C.